MovieStarPlanet Wiki

Judge Space Celeb



Member Since:

December 2013

In Relationship With:

No one

Best Friends:

)Misa(, sarahrose08, myLiebe (fourthie)

Michaela1224 is a regular user of MovieStarPlanet (US). She is level 23 (Cool Movie Star).

Appearance and Style

Michaela has pale skin, red lips, and brown eyes. She usually wears an outfit that goes with the theme and with "cool" or "cold" colors, her favorite being purple and black. She also likes a lot of accesories like ears, glasses, and fake tatoos.

Artbooks, Movies, and Looks


Michaela1224 often makes artbooks to spread a message across MovieStarPlanet. She also uses them for fun, with artbooks being her favorite thing on MSP tied with forums. She tries to keep her ideas new and original. Sometimes she uses artbooks to advertise events on her You Tube channel too.


Michaela's movie series are often not finished or deleted. She usually stops making the series after a lack of views where she thinks people don't care. Her movies usually get around 10 views but with 100+ friends it doesn't seem like much.

The only series she finished was her earlier movie, a Valentine's Day special series. She recently started a new series called "Secrets" which has a unknown story line with only one episode so far.


Michaela1224 doesn't often make looks but when she does they are usually rare looks or they go with the theme.


Michaela's team is "Team Mouse." Her supporters are called "Mice" because of Michaela's nick-name "Micky". Her team's goal is to make MSP fun and friendly again and try to catch MSP's attention so they fix the glitches on the website.

Michaela believes that if she gains some fame she will be noticed and listened to. She has tried to gain fame through artbooks, forums, and movies.

Fast Facts

  • Michaela1224's forum signature is "-Yer a wizard Harry-"
  • Michaela commented first on one of MSP's forums, gaining fame... but then it was deleted.
  • She is friends with HipsterHan.
  • Her nick-name is Micky.